Support YAAA
Friends of the Association
The Yale Arab Alumni Association thanks the following individuals and institutions for their past and present support.
Association of Yale Alumni
The American University of Beirut
Booz Allen
Consolidated Contracting Company
Dar al-Handassah Shair and Partners
Hariri Foundation
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs at the American University of Beirut
Mena City Lawyers
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
Qatar Foundation
Yale Council on Middle East Studies
Rami Khouri
Peter May
Ziad Baroud
Support YAAA
In order to carry out its mission and maintain long-term sustainability, the Yale Arab Alumni Association welcomes the support of individuals, foundations, corporations and other profit and non-profit organizations in the form of financial and in-kind gifts and donations. All gifts to the Association are accepted subject to the policies and procedures described below to the mutual benefit of donors and the Association and in order to ensure transparency, accountability and the highest ethical standards in the pursuit of outside support.
If you would like to support YAAA or specific activities or programs, please contact shady@yalearabalumni.org.